
Festool Price Change 2023

Festool has announced a price change effective January 4th, 2023

On January 4th, 2023 Festool will be implementing a price change for a number of their tools and accessories. This price change will affect all Authorized Festool Dealers in the US.

Below is a listing of the Festool products that will see a price change. Products not on this list don’t, at the moment, have a change scheduled for 2023.

We will honor all 2022 prices on orders placed up until Midnight on December 31st, 2022, regardless of stock status. Feel free to contact us at with any questions.

Item No.Description2023 Price
574616 edge banding to KA 65 Set USA 120V $3599
576577 edge banding to KA 65-Plus US $3299
576431 bisc.dovel join DF 700 EQ-Set US $1685
575306 Miter saw KS 120 REB USA $1599
576428 bisc.dovel join DF 700 EQ-Plus US $1549
575994 Long-reach sand LHS 2 225 EQI-Plus US $1395
205183 Mobile saw table and work bench STM 1800 $1199
576423 bisc.dovel join DF 500 Q-Set US $1199
576223 Router OF 2200 EB-F-Plus US $1099
576419 bisc.dovel join DF 500 Q-Plus US $1069
576761 mobil dust extr CT 48 E AC HEPA US $1055
201179 Chassis UG-KA/F-Set $999
497354 Chassis UG-KA-KS 120-Set $999
576760 mobil dust extr CT 36 E AC HEPA US $985
577506 CTC MIDI I HEPA-Plus US $978
575390 Circular saw TS 75 EQ-F-Plus-FS USA $975
577085 mobil dust extr CT 48 E HEPA USA $935
500869 Multif. table MFT/3 Conturo-AP $889
707126 Multif. table MFT/3 Conturo $889
577008 Cordless Track Saw TSC 55 KEBI-F-Set-FS $879
577084 mobil dust extr CT 36 E HEPA US $865
571935 Long-reach sand PLANEX LHS-E 225 EQ USA $839
203802 Mobile workshop MW 1000 $799
495315 MULTIF. TABLE MFT/3 $799
575389 Circular saw TS 75 EQ-F-Plus USA $799
576173 cordl. cir. saw HKC55EBI-F-Set-FSK250 US $799
576590 Cordl oscillat. OSC 18 HPC4,0 EI-Set US $799
577083 mobil dust extr CT 26 E HEPA US $799
576718 Cordless Track Saw TSC 55 KEBI-F-Plus $779
570250 CMS-OF Module $755
576258 Planer HL 850 E-F-Plus US $735
497480 IAS hose IAS 3 light 10000 AS $719
500608 MULTIF. TABLE MFT/3 Basic $699
576213 Router OF 1400 EQ-F-Plus US $699
577014 Plunge-cut saw TS 55 FEQ-F-Plus-FS US $699
201187 Trimming attach KA-UG-R/L/F $695
497514 Trimming attach KA-UG-KS 120-R/L $695
575707 cordl. d.sander DTSC 400 Li 3,1 I-Set US $695
575728 cordless sander RTSC 400 Li 3,1 I-Set US $695
577390 CTC SYS I HEPA-PLUS US $684
574837 mobil dust extr CT MIDI I HEPA USA $679
576167 cordl. cir. saw HKC 55 5,2 EBI-Plus US $679
577069 CTC MIDI Basic $679
576028 Rotex RO 150 FEQ-Plus US $669
575716 cordl. e.sander ETSC 125 Li 3,1 I-Set US $665
575085 Circular saw HK 55 EQ-F-Plus-FSK USA $659
576239 Edge Router MFK 700 EQ-Set US $659
576996 Screw&drill Set TID18 HPC I-SetTPC18 US $649
497351 Chassis UG-KAPEX KS 120 $639
576588 Cordl oscillat. OSC 18 E-Basic-Set US $635
576823 cordl.angle gri AGC18-115 5,2EBI-Plus US $629
576778 Cordl.per.drill TPC 18/4 HPC4,0 I-Set US $615
576708 Plunge-cut saw TS 55 FEQ-F-Plus US $599
584100 Hole Drilling LR 32-SYS $595
576032 Rotex RO 125 FEQ-Plus US $579
203454 Mobile workshop MW 1000 Basic $575
576326 Ecc. sander ETS EC150/3 EQ-Plus US $575
576339 Ecc. sander ETS EC150/5 EQ-Plus US $575
576494 Screw&drill Set TID18 HPC4,0I-Set T18 US $575
202912 Surf.cont.light STL 450-Set USA $569
576356 cordless sander RTSC 400 3,1 I-Plus US $569
576367 cordl. d.sander DTSC 400 3,1 I-Plus US $569
576834 EDGE TRIMMING KB-KA 65 SYS3 $569
497479 IAS hose IAS 3 light 7000 AS $565
576922 Router OF 1010 REQ-F-Plus US $559
576991 Cordless drill T18+3 HPC4,0 I-Set US $555
576994 Cordless drill C 18 HPC4,0 I-Set US $555
576717 Cordless Track Saw TSC 55 KEB-F-Basic $549
491501 Guide rail FS 3000/2 $545
576378 cordl. e.sander ETSC 125 3,1 I-Plus US $539
576527 Cordless pendul PSC420 HPC4,0 EBI-PlusUS $535
576535 Cordless pendul PSBC420 HPC4,0EBI-PlusUS $535
576244 Edge Router MFK 700 EQ/B-Plus US $529
576263 Rotex RO 90 DX FEQ-Plus US $525
500175 Adapter AP-KA 65 $509
574657 Working light DUO-Set USA $509
203151 Boom arm CT-ASA/SB 26/WHR Set $499
203153 Boom arm CT-ASA/SB 48/WHR Set $499
576136 Circular saw HK 55 EQ-F-Plus US $499
576340 Ecc. sander ETS EC 125/3 EQ-Plus US $475
491937 Guide rail FS 2700/2 $465
576832 Accessories set ZS-OF 2200 $465
576833 Accessories set ZS-OF 2200 F $465
577253 Workcenter WCR 1000 T-Loc $459
576164 cordl. cir. saw HKC 55 EB-F-Basic US $449
576181 Pendulum jigsaw PS 420 EBQ-Plus US $445
576192 Pendulum jigsaw PSB 420 EBQ-Plus US $445
576079 Ecc. sander ETS 150/3 EQ-Plus US $439
576088 Ecc. sander ETS 150/5 EQ-Plus US $439
576797 DOMINO conn. r KV-SYS D8 $435
204046 Surf.cont.light STL 450/AD ST DUO USA $429
491622 Guide rail FS 2424/2-LR 32 $429
492753 CT BOOM ARM CT-ASA USA 120V $425
495294 VT SYSTAINER VAC SYS VT Sort $425
204083 Pre-separator CT-VA 20 $419
577413 mobil dust extr CT 15 E HEPA USA $419
201778 Suction hose D 32/22x10m-AS-GQ/CT USA $415
492100 ROLLING TABLE CS 50 ST $415
576512 cordl. d.hammer BHC 18-Basic US $415
495246 CUTT. TEMPLATE OF-FH 2200 $405
203155 Parallel guide FS-PA/FS-PA-VL Set $399
203160 Parallel guide FS-PA/F / FS-PA-VL/F Set $399
576589 Cordl oscillat. OSC 18 E-Basic US $399
576824 cordl.angle gri AGC 18-115 EB-Basic US $399
576941 CTC SYS I HEPA-Basic US $399
576791 Beechwood DOMIN DS/XL D8/D10 306 BU $395
576794 Domino assortme DS 4/5/6/8/10 1060 BU $395
201180 Trimming attach KA-UG-R/F $385
201181 Trimming attach KA-UG-L/F $385
576480 Cordless impact TID 18 HPC4,0 I-Plus US $385
576777 Cordl.per.drill TPC 18/4 I-Basic US $385
576522 Cordless pendul PSC 420 EB-Basic US $379
576531 Cordless pendul PSBC 420 EB-Basic US $379
576507 Cordl. screwgun DWC 18-4500-Basic US $359
201938 Surf.cont.light STL 450 USA $349
576411 Working light DUO-Plus US $349
576792 Beechwood DOMIN DS/XL D12/D14 128 BU $349
577259 Cleaning set RS-BD D 36-Plus $345
576099 Cordless drill CXS 2,6-Set US $339
576107 Cordless drill TXS 2,6-Set US $339
497478 IAS hose IAS 3 light 3500 AS $335
201182 Paral. side fen FS-PA/F $329
495717 Parallel side f FS-PA $329
576439 Cordless drill C 18-Basic US $329
576451 Cordless drill T 18+3-Basic US $329
576795 DOMINO conn. r SV-SYS D14 $325
577157 Accessories set SYS3 M 137 FS/2-Set $319
576039 Pendulum jigsaw PS 300 EQ-Plus US $315
576049 Pendulum jigsaw PSB 300 EQ-Plus US $315
201761 Suction hose D27/22x5m-AS-GQ/CT USA $309
492092 ENLARGEMENT VL $309
498506 Filter bag Longlife-FIS-CT 48 $309
494977 ADAPTOR VAC SYS AD-MFT/3 $299
576054 Orbital sander RTS 400 REQ-Plus US $299
576061 Delta sander DTS 400 REQ-Plus US $299
576346 cordless sander RTSC 400-Basic US $299
576358 cordl. d.sander DTSC 400-Basic US $299
576754 Cordless drill T18+3-E HPC4,0 I-Plus US $299
577079 Energy Set SYS 18V 2x5.2/TCL6DUO US $299
583290 HOLEPUNCH SET LR 32-SET $299
576802 Carrying harnes TG-LHS 225 $289
576098 Cordless drill CXS 2,6-Plus US $285
576106 Cordless drill TXS 2,6-Plus US $285
577108 Energy Set SYS 18V 2x4.0/TCL6DUO US $285
203457 Base TSB/1-MW 1000 $279
204926 Suction hose D36x7m-AS/CTR $279
496121 Filter bag Longlife-FIS-CT 36 $279
576790 Accessories ZH-SYS-PS 420/F $279
203258 assortment OSC-AH/TA/AV-Set $275
495169 ELONGATION VL-LHS 225 230V $265
500732 Work light SYSLITE II Set USA $265
577044 Guide rail FS 1900/2-KP $265
496120 Filter bag Longlife-FIS-CT 26 $259
500767 Drawer SYS-AZ Set $255
577112 Extension VL-LHS 2 225 US $255
496141 Module DL-CT26/36 $249
576070 Ecc. sander ETS 125 REQ-Plus US $249
576822 cordl. e.sander ETSC 125-Basic US $249
577135 Systainer SYS3 M 112 RA US $249
491503 Guide rail FS 1900/2 $245
577258 Cleaning set RS-HW D 36-Plus $245
769943 Cross cutting g FSK 670 $245
205506 TopRock Radio SYS3 BT20 M 137 US $239
452890 HOSE D 50 X 4 M - AS $235
484521 PLANER HEAD HK 82 RF $235
484522 PLANER HEAD HK 82 RG $235
485331 PLANER HEAD HK 82 RW $235
200038 stand ST DUO 200 $229
202543 Magazine att. AF 55-DWC USA $229
203150 Saw blade HW 260 W60/W80 Set $229
204925 Suction hose D36x5m-AS/CTR $229
498660 SYS-Roller RS SYS 1-5 $229
499896 Edge cutter KP 65/2 $229
576479 Cordless impact TID 18-Basic US $219
200127 Bevel SM-KS $215
491986 Sortainer SYS 3-SORT/12 $215
574797 ANGLE STOP WA $215
500366 Perforated top LP-KA65 MFT/3 $209
500723 Work light KAL II USA 120V $209
577101 Suction hose D 36x3,5-AS/KS/B/LHS 225 $209
769942 Cross cutting g FSK 420 $209
452910 FLOOR NOZZLE D 50 BD 450 $205
491985 SORTAINER SYS 3-SORT/9 $205
204295 Container VAB-20/3 $199
484520 PLANER HEAD HK 82 SD $199
491984 Sortainer SYS 3-SORT/6 $199
500251 TA and AH SET OS-TA/AH SET $199
576758 Cordless drill T18+3-E-Basic US $199
577110 Abrasive sheet SYS STF D150 GR US $199
577126 Abrasive sheet SYS-STF D125 GR Set $199
577127 Abrasive sheet SYS-STF D90/93 V GR Set $199
204923 Suction hose D36/32x3,5m-AS/R $195
204924 Suction hose D36x3,5m-AS/CTR $195
205518 Systainer SYS3 HWZ M 337 $195
495648 router carriage MFS-S $195
495747 Wallpaper perfo TP 220 $195
200119 Sortainer SYS 4 TL-SORT/3 $189
201183 Elongation FS-PA-VL/F $189
452908 FLOOR NOZZLE D 36 BD 370 $189
491522 Sortainer SYS 3-SORT/4 $189
495718 Guide extension FS-PA-VL $189
577040 Angle stop FS-WA $189
577159 Suction hose D 27/32x5m-AS/CTR $189
577260 Cleaning set RS-GS D 50 $189
200118 Systainer SYS-Combi 3 $179
202477 Bag LHS-E 225-BAG $179
495386 SAW BLADE HW 260X2,5X30 TF64 USA $179
577043 Guide rail FS 1400/2-KP $179
577161 Suction hose D 27/32x3,5m-AS-90°/CT $179
580065 VACUUM PAD VAC SYS VT 227X32 $179
769941 Cross cutting g FSK 250 $179
495387 SAW BLADE HW 260X2,5X30 W80 USA $175
200117 Systainer SYS-Combi 2 $169
203254 posit. support OSC-AH $169
203809 Turbo-brush D 36 TKB II $169
447599 EXTENSION TUBE D 50 VR-M $169
452888 HOSE D 50 X 2,5 M - AS $169
491078 Reversible blad HW S8 D8/20 WP Z1 $169
491079 Reversible blad HW S8 D10/25 WP Z1 $169
491085 Reversible blad HW S8 D38/12 $169
494632 FILTER BAGS FIS-CT 33/20x $169
499808 WEPLA-cutter S8 HW R3 D28 KL12,7OFK $169
499809 WEPLA cutter S8 HW R2 D28 KL12,7OFK $169
499810 WEPLA cutter S8 HW R1,5 D28 KL12,7OFK $169
499811 WEPLA cutter S8 HW R1 D28 KL12,7OFK $169
500161 Locating aid OS-AH SET $169
454770 CLEANING ACCESS D 50 GS-RS $165
496939 Guide rail FS 1400/2-LR 32 $165
499704 Filter bag Longlife-FIS-CTL MIDI $165
200059 Adhesive EVA brn 48x-KA 65 $159
200060 Adhesive EVA blk 48x-KA 65 $159
491427 Table,complete FT-OFK/MFK/0° $159
494631 FILTER BAGS FIS-CT 22/20x $159
495165 ROUTER TABLE FT-MFK 700/1,5° $159
495388 SAW BLADE HW 260X2,5X30 W60 USA $159
499812 Adhesive EVA nat 48X-KA 65 $159
499813 Adhesive EVA wht 48X-KA 65 $159
491498 Guide rail FS 1400/2 $155
494340 GUIDE RAIL PLAT FP-LR32 $155
494681 GUIDE STOP FS-OF 2200 $155
495382 SAW BLADE HW 210X2,4X30 TF60 USA $155
202546 Grinding plate ST-STF-D215/8-LHS 225-SW $149
202958 Saw blade 160x2,2x20 USA $149
203420 Connector EV/32-Set $149
493539 DEPTH STOP DD-DC $149
496106 Grinding disc ST-STF-D215/8-IP-LHS 225 $149
205564 Saw blade DIA 160x1,8x20 F4 US $145
489458 Saw blade special, AT 65 $145
491082 Turning plate s HW S8 D19/20WM Z2 $145
499806 Turning plate e S8 HW D19 12x12 KL OFK $145
499807 Turning plate c S8 HW 45° D27 12x12 KL $145
577158 Suction hose D 27/32x3,5m-AS/CTR $145
580066 VACUUM PAD VAC SYS VT 275X100 $145
769097 Cover AU-43 FFP $145
204309 Filter bag LL-FIS-CT MI/CT15 $139
205223 eccentric adapt EX-UNI $139
490293 ANGLE OFFSET DD-AS $139
494859 DOMINO SIPO 5x30/900 (3x300) MAU $139
494860 DOMINO SIPO 6x40/570 (3x190) MAU $139
494861 DOMINO SIPO 8x40/390 (3x130) MAU $139
494862 DOMINO SIPO 8x50/300 (3x100) MAU $139
494863 DOMINO SIPO 10x50/255 (3x85) MAU $139
495381 SAW BLADE HW 210X2,4X30 W52 USA $139
496134 Angle table WT-PS 420 $139
498690 DOMINO D 8X750/36 MAU $139
498691 DOMINO D 10x750/28 MAU $139
498692 DOMINO D12x750/22 MAU $139
498693 DOMINO D 14x750/18 MAU $139
201997 polish. sponge PS STF D150X30 OR/5 $135
202480 Battery pack BP 18 Li 5,2 ASI USA $135
202502 Line adapter ACA 100-120/18V Ergo USA $135
205222 Angle attachmen AN-UNI $135
200184 Jobsite Radio USA $129
201665 Suction hose D 27x3,0m-AS-90°/CT $129
203166 Basic struc. co KV D8/50 $129
204221 sanding discs STF D225 P80 GR S/25 $129
204222 sanding discs STF D225 P100 GR S/25 $129
204223 sanding discs STF D225 P120 GR S/25 $129
204224 sanding discs STF D225 P150 GR S/25 $129
204225 sanding discs STF D225 P180 GR S/25 $129
204226 sanding discs STF D225 P240 GR S/25 $129
204227 sanding discs STF D225 P320 GR S/25 $129
204228 sanding discs STF D225 P400 GR S/25 $129
494369 Crown stop AB-KS 120 $129
577018 Double Charger TCL 6 DUO US $129
577160 Suction hose D 27x3m-AS-90°/CT $129
577280 Dust extr. set AB-AS CS/TKS $129
204414 Saw blade SSB 90/OSC/DIA $125
204851 Systainer SYS3 XXL 337 $125
205036 Battery pack BP 18 Li 4,0 HPC-ASI USA $125
466357 Bag FS-BAG $125
486297 Saw blade fine tooth, AT 65 $125
491504 Guide rail FS 1080/2 $125
495293 VACUUM HOSE D 16 x 5m VAC SYS $125
580064 VACUUM PAD VAC SYS VT 200X60 $125
493296 Domino D 5X19X30/1800 $119
493297 Domino D 6X20X40/1140 $119
493298 Domino D 8X22X40/780 $119
493299 Domino D 8X22X50/600 $119
493300 Domino D10X24X50/510 $119
497951 Angle attachmen XS-AS Centrotec $119
499703 Filter bag Longlife-FIS-CTL- MINI $119
499901 Systainer SYS-StorageBox $119
500368 Cutter S8 HW OFK $119
500369 WEPLA sp.cutter HW-WP R3 D28 KL12,7OFK $119
500370 Router bit HW-WP R2 D28 KL12.7 OFK $119
500371 WEPLA sp.cutter HHW-WP R1,5 D28 KL12,7OF $119
500372 WEPLA sp.cutter HW-WP R1 D28 KL12,7OFK $119
576793 Systainer SORT-SYS3M187 DOMINO $119
769126 Depth stop DC UNI FF $119
202498 Battery pack BP 18 Li 3,1 Ergo I USA $115
203356 Crown stop AB-KA-UG/2 $115
203456 move-out SYS-AZ-MW 1000 $115
203639 Bag ST-Bag $115
204310 Handle SB-CT MINI/MIDI-2/CT15 $115
205412 Main filter HEPA-HF-CT26/36/48 PTFE $115
492636 Parallel stop. SA-OF 1400 $115
494680 LATERAL GUIDE SA-OF 2200 $115
494682 SUPPORT AFB-OF 2200 $115
495802 Handle SB-CT 26/36 $115
497295 Handle SB-CT 48 $115
577257 Cleaning set RS-ST D 27/36-Plus $115
201936 Adapter AD-ST DUO 200 $109
203168 Basic struc. co KV-LR32 D8/50 $109
203421 Connector EV/16-Set $109
204850 Systainer SYS3 XXL 237 $109
204856 Organizer SYS3 ORG L 89 20xESB $109
204857 Organizer SYS3 ORG L 89 10xESB $109
204869 Wheel board SYS-RB $109
205316 Edge Sanding Attachment ETS/ETSC 125 $109
577294 Dual suct. pad GECKO DOSH-Set $109
200313 quick charger SCA 8 USA $105
202005 polish. sponge PS STF D150X30 BL/5 $105
202013 polish. sponge PS STF D150X30 WH/5 $105
491499 Guide rail FS 800/2 $105
494391 Binding post KL-KS 120 $105
499479 Edge magazin KSP-KA 65 $105
500530 Battery pack BPC 15 5.2 Ah Li-Ion USA $105
576785 Systainer SYS-STF D150 $105
202019 polish. sponge PS STF D150X30 BA/5 W $99
491077 CUTTER - HINGE HW S8 D35 $99
493233 PLASTIC BASE PL LAS-OF 1400 $99
495502 TIE BAR MFT/3-QT $99
498339 Battery pack BPC 12-3.0 Li USA $99
203332 Saw blade HSB 50/65/J/OSC/5 $98
203960 Saw blade USB 50/65/Bi/OSC/5 $98
203167 Centre connecto MSV D8/25 $97
203336 Saw blade USB 78/42/Bi/OSC/5 $97
205090 Bit DB CE 50/12-Set 2 $97
492525 Centering bit ZB HS D5 EURO CE $97
495380 SAW BLADE HW 210X2,4X30 W36 USA $97
496309 Saw blade HW 160X2,2X20 TF48 USA $97
201995 polish. sponge PS STF D125X20 OR/5 $96
204868 Systainer³ Tool SYS3 TB L 237 $96
500642 Filter bag LL-FIS CT SYS $96
577041 Elongation FS-WA-VL $96
205562 Saw blade HW 160x1,8x20 TF52 US $95
205563 Saw blade HW 160x1,8x20 F/FA52 US $95
500076 Systainer SYS-MFT $95
200161 Bag FSK670-BAG $94
203333 Saw blade HSB 50/35/J/OSC/5 $93
203334 Saw blade HSB 100/Bi/OSC $93
203337 Saw blade USB 78/32/Bi/OSC/5 $93
203338 Saw blade USB 50/35/Bi/OSC/5 $93
490517 Saw blade universal, AT 65 $93
499480 Second roll ZR-KA 65 $93
498686 DOMINO D 8X750/36 BU $92
498687 DOMINO D 10x750/28 BU $92
498688 DOMINO D 12x750/22 BU $92
498689 DOMINO D 14x750/18 BU $92
202044 Sheepskin LF STF D 80/5 $91
203154 Hand Sanding Block Set $91
204845 Systainer SYS3 M 437 $91
204848 Systainer SYS3 L 237 $91
205415 Sanding pad ST-D220/48-LHS 2 225 $91
205650 sanding discs STF D225/48 P24 SA/25 $91
205652 sanding discs STF D225/48 P36 SA/25 $91
492368 SANDING DISC STF D150/0 S 400 PL2 15X $91
492369 SANDING DISC STF D150/0 S 500 PL2 15x $91
492370 SANDING DISC STF D150/0 S1000 PL2 15X $91
492371 SANDING DISC STF D150/0 S2000 PL2 15X $91
492372 SANDING DISC STF D150/0 S4000 PL2 15X $91
500148 Saw blade HSB 50/55/J/5 $91
576835 Systainer SYS3-OF D8/D12 $91
495379 SAW BLADE HW 210X2,6X30 W18 USA $90
499814 Magnetic spheri MA KAL $89
500140 Saw blade MSB 50/35/Bi/5 $89
500142 Saw blade HSB 50/35/J/5 $89
500145 Saw blade HSB 50/65/J/5 $89
500146 Saw blade HSB 50/45/J/5 $89
202097 Remote control CT-F I/M-Set $88
203164 Drilling jig BS-KV D15 $87
493487 SLAT STOP LA-DF500 $87
494847 SPAR STOP RA-DF 500 $87
495377 SAW BLADE HW 160x2,2x20 W48 USA $87
496962 sanding block HSK-A 80x130 $87
498590 Cross stop QA-DF 500/700 $87
202003 polish. sponge PS STF D125X20 BL/5 $86
202011 polish. sponge PS STF D125X20 WH/5 $86
203169 Centre connecto MSV-LR32 D8/25 $86
485758 PARALLEL STOP SA-LR32 $86
493334 FILTER HEPA-HF-CT/2 $86
495378 SAW BLADE HW 210X2,6X30 PW16 USA $86
204844 Systainer SYS3 M 337 $85
204847 Systainer SYS3 L 187 $85
204853 Organizer SYS3 ORG M 89 22xESB $85
204854 Organizer SYS3 ORG M 89 6xESB $85
204867 Systainer³ Tool SYS3 TB L 137 $85
576781 Systainer SYS-STF-80x133/D125/Delt $85
576784 Systainer SYS-STF-D77/D90/93V $85
205561 Saw blade HW 160x1,8x20 WD42 US $84
490980 CUTTERS HW Spi D10/30 $84
491001 CUTTER - V GROO HW D32/90GRAD $84
492523 Drill counters. BSTA HS D3,5 CE $84
492524 Drill counters. BSTA HS D4,5 CE $84
497525 Denibber LZK-HM $84
769067 Chuck KC 13-1/2-K-FFP $84
201185 Core maker KS-PS 420/F-Set $83
495182 LATERAL GUIDE SA-MFK 700 $83
497443 Core maker KS-PS 420 Set $83
500144 Saw blade USB 50/35/Bi/5 $83
500149 Saw blade USB 50/65/Bi/5 $83
203255 Depth stop OSC-TA $82
203256 Dust extr. devi OSC-AV $82
204410 Cutter SSB 32/OSC $82
497871 Milling cutter D 14-NL 70 HW-DF 700 $81
499749 Cabinet edge sc ZK HW 45/45 $81
500160 Depth stop OS-TA SET $81
204843 Systainer SYS3 M 237 $80
204846 Systainer SYS3 L 137 $80
486058 Plate UP-OF $80
499949 Keyless chuck BF-FX 10 $80
577072 Keyless chuck KC 13-1/2 MMFP $80
201138 quick charger TCL 6 USA $79
452902 extension pipe D 36 VR-M 3X $78
484509 CHIP BAG SB-HL $78
500143 Saw blade USB 78/32/Bi/5 $78
500147 Saw blade USB 78/42/Bi/5 $78
204294 Container VAB-20/1 $77
491750 COVER PLATE ABSA-TS 55 $77
498947 Stickfix qty. STF 115X228 P120 GR 100X $77
498948 Stickfix qty. STF 115X228 P150 GR 100X $77
498949 Stickfix qty. STF 115X228 P180 GR 100X $77
498950 Stickfix qty. STF 115X228 P220 GR 100X $77
498951 Stickfix qty. STF 115X228 P240 GR 100X $77
498953 Stickfix qty. STF 115X228 P320 GR 100X $77
498954 Stickfix qty. STF 115X228 P400 GR 100X $77
575163 sanding discs STF D150/48 P100 GR/100 $77
575164 sanding discs STF D150/48 P120 GR/100 $77
575165 sanding discs STF D150/48 P150 GR/100 $77
575166 sanding discs STF D150/48 P180 GR/100 $77
575167 sanding discs STF D150/48 P220 GR/100 $77
575168 sanding discs STF D150/48 P240 GR/100 $77
575170 sanding discs STF D150/48 P320 GR/100 $77
575172 sanding discs STF D150/48 P400 GR/100 $77
575173 sanding discs STF D150/48 P500 GR/100 $77
200160 Bag FSK420-BAG $76
200340 Main filter HEPA HF-CT SYS $76
202392 Drill counters. BSTA HS D 4 L60 CE $76
203797 Carpet nozzle D 36 TD II $76
204201 Main filter HEPA HF-CT MI/CT15 $76
491072 CUTTER - HINGE HW S8 D20 $76
492373 SANDING DISC STF D125/0 S 400 PL2 15X $76
492374 SANDING DISC STF D125/0 S 500 PL2 15X $76
492375 SANDING DISC STF D125/0 S1000 PL2 15X $76
492376 SANDING DISC STF D125/0 S2000 PL2 15X $76
492377 SANDING DISC STF D125/0 S4000 PL2 15X $76
494388 hose depot CT-SG $76
496752 Main filter HEPA-HF CT MINI/MIDI /1 $76
497870 Milling cutter D 12-NL 70 HW-DF 700 $76
204842 Systainer SYS3 M 187 $75
204855 Organizer SYS3 ORG L 89 $75
204866 Systainer³ Tool SYS3 TB M 237 $75
497091 Abrasive roll GRANAT SOFT P120 115x25M $75
497092 Abrasive roll GRANAT SOFT P150 115x25M $75
497093 Abrasive roll GRANAT SOFT P180 115x25M $75
497094 Abrasive roll GRANAT SOFT P240 115x25M $75
497095 Abrasive roll GRANAT SOFT P320 115x25M $75
497096 Abrasive roll GRANAT SOFT P400 115x25M $75
497097 Abrasive roll GRANAT SOFT P500 115x25M $75
497098 Abrasive roll GRANAT SOFT P600 115x25M $75
497964 Abrasive roll GRANAT SOFT P800 115x25M $75
769064 Adaptor AD-3/8" FF $75
497869 Milling cutter D 10-NL 70 HW-DF 700 $74
203312 sanding discs STF D225 P80 GR NET/25 $73
203313 sanding discs STF D225 P100 GR NET/25 $73
203314 sanding discs STF D225 P120 GR NET/25 $73
203315 sanding discs STF D225 P150 GR NET/25 $73
203316 sanding discs STF D225 P180 GR NET/25 $73
203317 sanding discs STF D225 P220 GR NET/25 $73
203318 sanding discs STF D225 P240 GR NET/25 $73
203319 sanding discs STF D225 P320 GR NET/25 $73
490978 CUTTERS HW Spi D6/21 $73
491026 FAS-/BÜNDIGFR. HW D24/0+45GRAD KL $73
499798 Classic ogee cu S8 HW R2 D20-KL OFK $73
500243 Battery pack BP-XS 2,6 Ah Li-Ion USA $73
486296 Saw blade standard, AT 65 $72
490780 DIY constructio SSH-STF-LS130 Kit $72
492522 Drill bit/stop BTA HW D5 CE $72
497868 Milling cutter D 8-NL 50 HW-DF 700 $72
497926 Closing slide VS-CT AC/SRM45 Planex $72
498212 DOMINO D 8x80/190 BU $72
498213 DOMINO D 8x100/150 BU $72
498214 DOMINO D 10x80/150 BU $72
498215 DOMINO D 10x100/120 BU $72
498216 DOMINO D 12x100/100 BU $72
498217 DOMINO D 12x140/90 BU $72
498218 DOMINO D 14x100/80 BU $72
498219 DOMINO D 14x140/70 BU $72
204332 Jigsaw blade S 105/4 FSG/20 $71
491387 Replacement bla HW-WP 25x5,5x1,1 (4x) $71
494462 CHUCK SZ-D 12,0/OF1400-OF2200 $71
494675 PLATE LA-OF 2200 D36 CT $71
494677 PLATE LA-OF 2200 D36 $71
497168 sandpaper STF D125/8 P 100 GR100X $71
497169 sandpaper STF D125/8 P 120 GR100X $71
497170 sandpaper STF D125/8 P 150 GR100X $71
497171 sandpaper STF D125/8 P 180 GR100X $71
497172 sandpaper STF D125/8 P 220 GR100X $71
497173 sandpaper STF D125/8 P 240 GR100X $71
497175 sandpaper STF D125/8 P 320 GR100X $71
497177 sandpaper STF D125/8 P 400 GR100X $71
497178 sandpaper STF D125/8 P 500 GR100X $71
497474 Tool hook WCR 1000 WH $71
498322 Stickfix sandpa STF D 90/0 S 500 PL2 15X $71
498323 Stickfix sandpa STF D 90/0 S1000 PL2 15X $71
498324 Stickfix sandpa STF D 90/0 S2000 PL2 15X $71
498325 Stickfix sandpa STF D 90/0 S4000 PL2 15X $71
498361 Holder for spra WCR 1000 LPH $71
576912 Paral.side fenc PA-HKC 55 $71
496122 Tool holder WHR-CT 26/36 $70
203303 sanding discs STF D150 P80 GR NET/50 $69
203304 sanding discs STF D150 P100 GR NET/50 $69
203305 sanding discs STF D150 P120 GR NET/50 $69
203306 sanding discs STF D150 P150 GR NET/50 $69
203307 sanding discs STF D150 P180 GR NET/50 $69
203308 sanding discs STF D150 P220 GR NET/50 $69
203309 sanding discs STF D150 P240 GR NET/50 $69
203310 sanding discs STF D150 P320 GR NET/50 $69
203311 sanding discs STF D150 P400 GR NET/50 $69
203941 plug it-cable H05 RN-F-10 USA $69
204271 Jigsaw blade HS 75/1,2 BI/20 $69
204841 Systainer SYS3 M 137 $69
497497 Charger MXC USA 120V $69
499797 Classic ogee cu S8 HW R3 D22-KL OFK $69
500139 Saw blade HSB 100/HCS $67
203759 Main filter HF-CT 26/36/48 HP $66
492601 GUIDE STOP FS-OF 1400 $66
489571 FASTENING CLAMP FSZ 300 $65
496111 Replacement dru EW-TP 220 $65
497477 Storage base WCR 1000 AB $65
577395 Drill cassette BKS SYS3 D3-8 K CE/W $65
201350 anchor bolt SV-AB D14/32 $64
203165 cutter - hinge KVB-HW D15 CE $64
204840 Systainer SYS3 M 112 $64
204852 Organizer SYS3 ORG M 89 $64
204865 Systainer³ Tool SYS3 TB M 137 $64
496304 Saw blade HW 160X2,2X20 W28 USA $63
203294 sanding discs STF D125 P80 GR NET/50 $62
203295 sanding discs STF D125 P100 GR NET/50 $62
203296 sanding discs STF D125 P120 GR NET/50 $62
203297 sanding discs STF D125 P150 GR NET/50 $62
203298 sanding discs STF D125 P180 GR NET/50 $62
203299 sanding discs STF D125 P220 GR NET/50 $62
203300 sanding discs STF D125 P240 GR NET/50 $62
203301 sanding discs STF D125 P320 GR NET/50 $62
203302 sanding discs STF D125 P400 GR NET/50 $62
486052 angle arm WA-OF $62
201184 Core maker KS-PS 420/F $61
205560 Saw blade HW 160x1,8x20 W28 US $61
491391 Reversible blad HW-WP 12x12x1,5 (4x) $61
491666 CUTTER HW D 19/15 S8 OFK 700 $61
492574 PLASTIC BASE PL LA-OF 1400 $61
496140 Interface pad IP-STF-D215/8/2x $61
497304 Core maker KS-PS 420 $61
204263 Jigsaw blade S 105/2,8/20 $60
204317 Jigsaw blade S 75/4 FSG/20 $60
499799 Chamfer cutter S8 HW 45° D26-KL OFK $60
499800 Chamfer cutter S8 HW 30° D25-KL OFK $60
488342 Polishing pad STF D150 PAD $59
497539 Filter bag SC-FIS-CT 48/5 $59
577252 Interface pad IP-D220-LHS 2 225-SW/2 $59
494465 CHUCK SZ-D 12,7/OF1400-OF2200 $58
494869 DOMINO SIPO 5x30/300 MAU SB $57
494870 DOMINO SIPO 6x40/190 MAU SB $57
494871 DOMINO SIPO 8x40/130 MAU SB $57
494872 DOMINO SIPO 8x50/100 MAU SB $57
494873 DOMINO SIPO 10x50/85 MAU SB $57
497138 sandpaper STF DELTA/7 P120 GR 100X $57
497139 sandpaper STF DELTA/7 P150 GR 100X $57
497140 sandpaper STF DELTA/7 P180 GR 100X $57
497141 sandpaper STF DELTA/7 P220 GR 100X $57
497142 sandpaper STF DELTA/7 P240 GR 100X $57
497143 sandpaper STF DELTA/7 P320 GR 100X $57
497144 sandpaper STF DELTA/7 P400 GR 100X $57
201116 Sanding vlies 115x10m MD 100 VL $56
201117 Sanding vlies 115x10m FN 320 VL $56
201118 Sanding vlies 115x10m SF 800 VL $56
201119 Sanding vlies 115x10m UF 1000 VL $56
483679 STICKFIX SANDIN SSH-STF 115x225/10 $56
485648 STF SANDING BAS SSH-STF 115x225/10-KS $56
496305 Saw blade HW 160X2,2X20 PW12 USA $56
497540 Waste bag ENS-CT 48 AC/5 $56
500312 Vacuum clamp CT WINGS $56
500461 Saw blade 160X1,8X20 W18 USA $56
201499 Domino D14x75/104 BU $55
202458 Sanding pad ST-STF D150/MJ2-M8-W-HT $55
202461 Sanding pad ST-STF D150/MJ2-FX-W-HT $55
202462 Sanding pad ST-STF D150/MJ2-FX-SW $55
202463 Sanding pad ST-STF D150/MJ2-FX-H-HT $55
203377 Sep. prot.cover TSH-AGC 18-115 $55
203925 plug it-cable SJO16 AWG-4 USA $55
204257 Jigsaw blade S 75/2,5/25 $55
204275 Jigsaw blade STS-Sort/25 W $55
205559 Saw blade HW 160x1,8x20 PW12 US $55
494460 CHUCK SZ-D 8,0/OF1400-OF2200 $55
494463 CHUCK SZ-D 6,35/OF1400-OF2200 $55
494464 CHUCK SZ-D 9,53/OF1400-OF2200 $55
496151 Polishing pad PT-STF D150 MJ-FX $55
201105 Abrasive roll 115x25m P80 GR $54
201106 Abrasive roll 115x25m P100 GR $54
201107 Abrasive roll 115x25m P120 GR $54
201108 Abrasive roll 115x25m P150 GR $54
201109 Abrasive roll 115x25m P180 GR $54
201110 Abrasive roll 115x25m P220 GR $54
201111 Abrasive roll 115x25m P240 GR $54
201768 Abrasive roll 115x25m P320 GR $54
493493 DOMINO cutter D 10-NL 28 HW-DF 500 $54
203923 plug it-cable SJO 18 AWG-4 USA $53
205274 Tool holder WHR-CT LHS 2 $53
452971 FILTER BAGS FIS-CT 33 5X $53
489427 LATERAL GUIDE SA-OF 1000 $53
493490 DOMINO cutter D 5-NL 20 HW-DF 500 $53
493492 DOMINO cutter D 8-NL 28 HW-DF 500 $53
496186 Filter bag SC-FIS-CT 36/5 $53
497120 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P120 GR 100X $53
497121 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P150 GR 100X $53
497122 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P180 GR 100X $53
497123 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P220 GR 100X $53
497124 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P240 GR 100X $53
497125 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P320 GR 100X $53
497126 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P400 GR 100X $53
500692 Drawer SYS-AZ $53
202459 Sanding pad ST-STF D150/MJ2-M8-SW $52
202460 Sanding pad ST-STF D150/MJ2-M8-H-HT $52
203320 sandpaper STF DELTA P80 GR NET/50 $52
203321 sandpaper STF DELTA P100 GR NET/50 $52
203322 sandpaper STF DELTA P120 GR NET/50 $52
203323 sandpaper STF DELTA P150 GR NET/50 $52
203324 sandpaper STF DELTA P180 GR NET/50 $52
203325 sandpaper STF DELTA P220 GR NET/50 $52
203326 sandpaper STF DELTA P240 GR NET/50 $52
203327 sandpaper STF DELTA P320 GR NET/50 $52
203328 sandpaper STF DELTA P400 GR NET/50 $52
488752 GUIDE STOP FS-OF 900/1000 $52
492284 Grinding plate ST-STF 125/8-M8-J H $52
492286 Grinding plate ST-STF 125/8-M8-J W-HT $52
492288 Grinding plate ST-STF 125/8-M8-J SW $52
493491 DOMINO cutter D 6-NL 28 HW-DF 500 $52
576759 Dust extraction MX - A $52
487871 TURBOFILTER TF-ET/RS/25x $51
489127 TURBOFILTER TF-RS 400/25x $51
492520 Countersink deb QLS D2- 8 CE $51
492521 Countersink deb QLS D5-15 CE $51
494670 CHIP CATCHER KSF-OF 2200 $51
495167 brush strip BE-LHS 225 $51
496215 Waste bag ENS-CT 36 AC/5 $51
497366 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P 100 GR /100 $51
497367 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P 120 GR /100 $51
497368 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P 150 GR /100 $51
497369 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P 180 GR /100 $51
497370 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P 220 GR /100 $51
497371 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P 240 GR /100 $51
497372 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P 320 GR /100 $51
497373 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P 400 GR /100 $51
497850 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P 280 GR /100 $51
498326 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P 500 GR /100 $51
575160 sanding discs STF D150/48 P40 GR/50 $51
575161 sanding discs STF D150/48 P60 GR/50 $51
575162 sanding discs STF D150/48 P80 GR/50 $51
575174 sanding discs STF D150/48 P800 GR/50 $51
575175 sanding discs STF D150/48 P1000 GR/50 $51
575176 sanding discs STF D150/48 P1200 GR/50 $51
575177 sanding discs STF D150/48 P1500 GR/50 $51
204261 Jigsaw blade S 75/2,8/20 $50
204266 Jigsaw blade S 75/4 K/20 $50
489570 FASTENING CLAMP FSZ 120/2 $50
495209 Splinterguard FS-SP 5000/T $50
202048 Polishing agent MPA 5010 OR/0,5L $49
202098 Remote control CT-F I $49
204306 Jigsaw blade S 75/4/25 $49
484515 SPIRAL CUTTER HW 82 SD $49
484518 SPIRAL CUTTER HS 82 RF $49
484519 SPIRAL CUTTER HS 82 RG $49
485332 SPIRAL CUTTER HS 82 RW $49
488755 CLAMPING COLLET SZ-D 8/OF 900/1000 $49
488761 CLAMPING COLLET SZ-D 6,35/OF 900/1000 $49
495663 DOMINO cutter D 4-NL 11 HW-DF 500 $49
498944 Stickfix qty. STF 115X228 P 40 GR 50X $49
498945 Stickfix qty. STF 115X228 P 60 GR 50X $49
498946 Stickfix qty. STF 115X228 P 80 GR 50X $49
500393 Dust bag SB-TSC $49
577132 Hebelzwinge MFT-HZ 80 $49
577155 phone charger PHC 18 $49
204946 Grid foam SE-VAR SYS3 L/2 $48
205088 Bit CENTRO Bit-Set 2 $48
205418 Interface pad IP-STF-D220/48-LHS 2 225 $48
452898 Y-CONNECTOR D 50 SV-AS/D 50 V $48
452923 Main filter HF-CT/2 $48
491594 Lever clamp FS-HZ 160 $48
495019 Suction hose D21,5 x 5m HSK $48
499892 Scrape protect LAS-STF-KA 65 $48
575194 sanding discs STF-D150/48 P24 SA/25 $48
575195 sanding discs STF-D150/48 P36 SA/25 $48
575196 sanding discs STF-D150/48 P50 SA/25 $48
575197 sanding discs STF-D150/48 P80 SA/25 $48
577039 Connector FSV/2 $48
205653 sanding discs STF D225/48 P40 GR/25 $47
205654 sanding discs STF D225/48 P60 GR/25 $47
205655 sanding discs STF D225/128 P80 GR/25 $47
205656 sanding discs STF D225/128 P100 GR/25 $47
205657 sanding discs STF D225/128 P120 GR/25 $47
205659 sanding discs STF D225/128 P150 GR/25 $47
205660 sanding discs STF D225/128 P180 GR/25 $47
205662 sanding discs STF D225/128 P220 GR/25 $47
205663 sanding discs STF D225/128 P240 GR/25 $47
205664 sanding discs STF D225/128 P320 GR/25 $47
497165 sandpaper STF D125/8 P 40 GR 50X $47
497166 sandpaper STF D125/8 P 60 GR 50X $47
497167 sandpaper STF D125/8 P 80 GR 50X $47
497179 sandpaper STF D125/8 P 800 GR 50X $47
497180 sandpaper STF D125/8 P1000 GR 50X $47
497181 sandpaper STF D125/8 P1200 GR 50X $47
497182 sandpaper STF D125/8 P1500 GR 50X $47
203931 plug it-cable SJO18 AWG-4 PLANEX USA $46
440412 PLASTIC EXTENSI D 50 VR-K 2X $46
452970 FILTER BAGS FIS-CT 22 5X $46
488348 SOFT FELT PAD PF-STF-D150x6-H/5 $46
490992 CUTTERS HW S8 D13,8/13,5/15° $46
491064 Drill HW shank HW S8 D5/30 $46
492280 Grinding plate ST-STF 125/8-M4-J W-HT $46
492585 EXTRACTION HOOD AH-OF 1400 $46
496170 Main filter HF-CT 26/36 $46
496187 Filter bag SC-FIS-CT 26/5 $46
577261 Floor nozzle D 36 BD 300 $46
201115 Sanding vlies 115x152 MD 100 VL/25 $45
201126 Sanding vlies STF D150 MD 100/10 $45
201127 Sanding vlies STF D150 FN 320 VL/10 $45
201128 Sanding vlies STF D150 SF 800 VL/10 $45
201131 Sanding vlies STF D125 MD 100 VL/10 $45
201132 Sanding vlies STF D125 FN 320 VL/10 $45
493124 sandpaper STF-D125/8-P 24-SA/ 25 $45
493125 sandpaper STF-D125/8-P 36-SA/ 25 $45
493126 sandpaper STF-D125/8-P 50-SA/ 25 $45
493127 sandpaper STF-D125/8-P 80-SA/ 25 $45
497088 Sanding vlies 115x152 FN 320 VL/30 $45
497089 Sanding vlies 115x152 SF 800 VL/30 $45
201349 expans. anchor SV-SA D14/32 $44
201351 cross anchor SV-QA D14/32 $44
201352 double bolt SV-DB D14/16 $44
203285 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P80 GR NET/50 $44
203286 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P100 GRNET/50 $44
203287 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P120 GRNET/50 $44
203288 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P150 GRNET/50 $44
203289 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P180 GRNET/50 $44
203290 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P220 GRNET/50 $44
203291 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P240 GRNET/50 $44
203292 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P320 GRNET/50 $44
203293 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P400 GRNET/50 $44
203821 Systainer SYS-MINI 1 TL TRA UNI $44
204903 Cut-off wheel WS D 115/10 $44
488339 HARD FELT PAD PF-STF-D80x6-H/5 $44
488341 SOFT FELT PAD PF-STF-D80x6-W/5 $44
490118 CIRCLE GUIDE KS-PS/PSB 300 $44
490162 SANDING PAD SSH-STF-LS130-90 GR $44
490164 SANDING PAD SSH-STF-LS130-R18KV $44
490165 SANDING PAD SSH-STF-LS130-R25KV $44
490166 SANDING PAD SSH-STF-LS130-V10 $44
490167 SANDING PAD SSH-STF-LS130-R15KX $44
491197 SANDING PAD SSH-STF-LS130-R10KV $44
491198 SANDING PAD SSH-STF-LS130-R10KX $44
492125 SANDING PAD ST-STF D125/8 FX-W-HT $44
492126 SANDING PAD ST-STF D125/8 FX-SW $44
492127 SANDING PAD ST-STF D 125/8 FX-H-HT $44
492128 SANDING PAD PT-STF D125 FX-RO125 $44
492282 Grinding plate ST-STF 125/8-M4-J SW $44
493078 Polishing hard PF-STF-D125x6-H/5 $44
495541 Add. clamp MFT/3-ZK $44
499893 Spare felt EF-LAS-STF-KA 65/10x $44
575186 sanding discs STF D150/48 P40 RU2/50 $44
575187 sanding discs STF D150/48 P60 RU2/50 $44
575188 sanding discs STF D150/48 P80 RU2/50 $44
575189 sanding discs STF D150/48 P100 RU2/50 $44
575190 sanding discs STF D150/48 P120 RU2/50 $44
575191 sanding discs STF D150/48 P150 RU2/50 $44
575192 sanding discs STF D150/48 P180 RU2/50 $44
575193 sanding discs STF D150/48 P220 RU2/50 $44
769022 Disc stirrer WS 2 140X600 M 14 $44
769031 Spiral stirrer HS 2 140X600 M 14 $44
769117 Helical stirrer CS 140x600 M14 $44
201087 Abrasive paper 230x280 P60 GR/50 $43
201095 Abrasive paper 230x280 P240 GR/50 $43
204386 Bit cassette BT-IMP SORT6 $43
204871 Rail SYS3-SN/4 $43
492135 Tool chuck WH-CE CENTROTEC ET-BG $43
497393 sandpaper STF V93/6 P 100 GR /100 $43
497394 sandpaper STF V93/6 P 120 GR /100 $43
497395 sandpaper STF V93/6 P 150 GR /100 $43
497396 sandpaper STF V93/6 P 180 GR /100 $43
497397 sandpaper STF V93/6 P 220 GR /100 $43
497398 sandpaper STF V93/6 P 240 GR /100 $43
497399 sandpaper STF V93/6 P 320 GR /100 $43
497400 sandpaper STF V93/6 P 400 GR /100 $43
202050 Polishing agent MPA 9010 BL/0,5L $42
202051 Polishing agent MPA 11010 WH/0,5L $42
204384 Bit cassette BT-IMP SORT4 $42
488503 SPIRAL CUTTER HW 65 $42
497936 Protector-Set FP-RO 90 $42
498411 Filter bag SC-FIS-CT MIDI/5 $42
499030 Stickfix qty. STF 115X228 P 40 RU2/50 $42
499031 Stickfix qty. STF 115X228 P 60 RU2/50 $42
499032 Stickfix qty. STF 115X228 P 80 RU2/50 $42
499033 Stickfix qty. STF 115X228 P100 RU2/50 $42
499034 Stickfix qty. STF 115X228 P120 RU2/50 $42
499035 Stickfix qty. STF 115X228 P150 RU2/50 $42
499036 Stickfix qty. STF 115X228 P180 RU2/50 $42
499037 Stickfix qty. STF 115X228 P220 RU2/50 $42
201993 polish. sponge PS STF D80X20 OR/5 $40
203190 Brush insert BE-LHS-E 225 $40
485298 SANDING PAD ST-D115/0-M14/2F $40
490161 SANDING PAD SSH-STF-LS130-F $40
495623 Grinding plate ST-STF D90/7 FX-H-HT $40
495666 Parallel side f ZA-DF 500 $40
496802 Sanding pad SSH-GE-STF-RO90 V93/6 $40
496803 Sanding pad LSS-STF-RO90 V93/6 $40
496804 Grinding plate ST-STF D90/7 FX-W-HT $40
499093 sandpaper STF D125/8 P40 RU2/50 $40
499094 sandpaper STF D125/8 P60 RU2/50 $40
499095 sandpaper STF D125/8 P80 RU2/50 $40
499096 sandpaper STF D125/8 P100 RU2/50 $40
499097 sandpaper STF D125/8 P120 RU2/50 $40
499098 sandpaper STF D125/8 P150 RU2/50 $40
499099 sandpaper STF D125/8 P180 RU2/50 $40
499100 sandpaper STF D125/8 P220 RU2/50 $40
204308 Filter bag SC-FIS-CT MI/5/CT15 $39
204388 Open end wrench STSL-IMP 1/4"-Set $39
485759 END STOP AR-LR32 $39
490944 Groove cutter HS Spi D6/16 $39
491065 DOWEL DRILL HW S8 D3/16 Z $39
491066 DOWEL DRILL HW D5/30 Z $39
491067 Router bit HW D6/30 Z $39
491068 Router bit HW D8/30 Z $39
491069 Router bit HW D10/30 Z $39
492187 CENTERING CONE ZD-OF/D 6,35+8 $39
495625 Polishing pad PT-STF-D80 FX-RO90 $39
497135 sandpaper STF DELTA/7 P 40 GR 50X $39
497136 sandpaper STF DELTA/7 P 60 GR 50X $39
497137 sandpaper STF DELTA/7 P 80 GR 50X $39
202046 Sheepskin LF STF D 150/1 $38
484172 STICKFIX PAD H ST-STF-D115/0-M14 H $38
484173 STICKFIX PAD SO ST-STF-D115/0-M14 W $38
488899 BASE PLATE TP-STF-V93-W $38
202001 polish. sponge PS STF D80X20 BL/5 $37
202009 polish. sponge PS STF D80X20 WH/5 $37
204863 insert boxes Box 150x150x68/6 $37
204943 cartridge inlay TZE-KT SYS3 M $37
490960 CUTTER - SLOT H HW D10/25 $37
769142 Screw DWS C FT 3,9x25 1000x $37
769143 Screw DWS C FT 3,9x35 1000x $37
769144 Screw DWS C CT 3,9x35 1000x $37
769145 Screw DWS C CT 3,9x45 1000x $37
203813 Systainer SYS-MINI 1 TL TRA $36
201693 Dust bag SB-Longlife RTS/DTS/ETS $35
202045 Sheepskin LF STF D 125/1 $35
202052 spray sealing MPA SV+/0,5L $35
456790 Filter element main 1x, CTmini $35
483358 SIDE STOP ADJUS FE-OF 900/KF $35
483922 Trammel unit SZ-OF 1010 $35
489252 SANDING PAD SSH-STF 80x130/12 $35
494627 ADAPTER KRA-ZOLL/OF 2200 $35
496938 Ripping-cut fen LA-LR 32 FS $35
498410 Filter bag SC-FIS-CT MINI/5 $35
204335 Jigsaw blade S 145/4 FSG/5 $34
484151 STICKFIX S/PAPE STF D115/0 P24 SA/25 $34
484152 Stickfix sandpa STF D115/0 P36 SA/25 $34
485245 Stickfix sandpa STF D115/0 P50 SA/25 $34
485246 Stickfix sandpa STF D115/0 P80 SA/25 $34
202505 Rot. adapter D 27 DAG90-AS/CT $33
203137 Extension piece D 36 VR-K AS/3 $33
204269 Jigsaw blade HM 90/3,3/1 $33
204536 Support Board CB-AB/UG KS120 $33
204919 Rot. adapter D32/27 DAG-AS/CTR $33
204928 Keyl. flange nu QRN-AGC 18 5/8" $33
484453 EXTRACTOR HOOD AH-OF 1010 $33
489229 BASE PLATE TP-OF 1010 $33
491861 Lamellae sandin SSH-STF-LS130-LL195 $33
495247 ROD ST-OF 2200/2 $33
497117 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P 40 GR/50 $33
497118 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P 60 GR 50X $33
497119 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P 80 GR 50X $33
497363 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P 40 GR / 50 $33
497364 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P 60 GR / 50 $33
497365 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P 80 GR / 50 $33
498327 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P 800 GR / 50 $33
498328 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P1000 GR / 50 $33
498329 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P1200 GR / 50 $33
498330 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P1500 GR / 50 $33
499085 Stickfix sandpa STF D115 P 40 RU2/50 $33
499086 Stickfix sandpa STF D115 P 60 RU2/50 $33
499087 Stickfix sandpa STF D115 P 80 RU2/50 $33
499088 Stickfix sandpa STF D115 P100 RU2/50 $33
499089 Stickfix sandpa STF D115 P120 RU2/50 $33
499133 sandpaper STF DELTA P 40 RU2/50 $33
499134 sandpaper STF DELTA P 60 RU2/50 $33
499135 sandpaper STF DELTA P 80 RU2/50 $33
499136 sandpaper STF DELTA P100 RU2/50 $33
499137 sandpaper STF DELTA P120 RU2/50 $33
499138 sandpaper STF DELTA P150 RU2/50 $33
499139 sandpaper STF DELTA P180 RU2/50 $33
499140 sandpaper STF DELTA P220 RU2/50 $33
500532 Shoulder strap SYS-TG $33
577162 Coupling sleeve D 27 DM-AS/CT $33
577293 Adapter AD-DOSH-FS $33
768135 Hose connection 33-27 Hose Reducer $33
204861 insert boxes Box 100x150x68/6 $32
204864 insert boxes Box 150x300x68/2 $32
204920 Rot. adapter D36 DAG-AS/CTR $32
204947 Cover foam SE-DP SYS3 XXL $32
204948 Base pad SE-BP SYS3 XXL $32
205097 Bit holder BHS 60 CE $32
485724 RUBBER STRIP FS-HU 10M $32
489129 TURBOFILTER TFS-RS 400 $32
492392 CLEANING ACCESS D 27/36 D-RS $32
493055 BEARING GUIDE D 19 x8 x 4,76 $32
493062 BEARING GUIDE D 16 x8 x 4,76 $32
495166 brush segment BS-LHS 225 $32
495965 sanding block HSK-D 150 W $32
495966 sanding block HSK-D 150 H $32
495967 sanding block HSK 80x133 H $32
496508 Sanding vlies STF D 150 green/10x $32
496509 polishing vlies STF D 150 white/10x $32
497268 Center Bit Zobo Repl. Set $32
497303 Adapter table ADT-PS 420 $32
499622 Systainer SYS-MINI 1 TL $32
500673 Rot. adapter D 32 DAG/90°-AS/CT $32
577042 adhesive pads FS-KP/30 $32
577213 AB-CTC MINI/MIDI $32
202393 Drill bit EB-BSTA D4/2 $31
203351 Interface pad IP-STF D150/MJ2-15/1 $31
204412 Saw blade SSP 52/OSC $31
490121 SPLINTER GUARD SP-PS/PSB 300/20 $31
492732 Chip catcher KSF-OF 1400 $31
494938 DOMINO BEECH D 5X30/300 BU SB $31
494939 DOMINO BEECH D 6x40/190 BU SB $31
494940 DOMINO BEECH D 8x40/130 BU SB $31
494941 DOMINO BEECH D 8x50/100 BU SB $31
494942 DOMINO BEECH D10x50/85 BU SB $31
495661 DOMINO D 4X20/450 BU $31
499077 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P 40 RU2/50 $31
499078 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P 60 RU2/50 $31
499079 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P 80 RU2/50 $31
499080 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P100 RU2/50 $31
499081 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P120 RU2/50 $31
499082 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P150 RU2/50 $31
499083 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P180 RU2/50 $31
499084 Stickfix sandpa STF D90/6 P220 RU2/50 $31
201124 insert boxes Set 60x60/120x71 3xFT $30
204337 Jigsaw blade HS 155/1,2 BI/5 $30
496510 Sanding vlies STF D 125 green/10x $30
496511 polishing vlies STF D 125 white/10x $30
497298 plastic base pl LAS-Soft-PS 420 $30
497299 plastic base pl LAS-HGW-PS 420 $30
499046 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P40 RU2/50 $30
499047 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P60 RU2/50 $30
499048 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P80 RU2/50 $30
499049 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P100 RU2/50 $30
499050 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P120 RU2/50 $30
499051 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P150 RU2/50 $30
499052 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P180 RU2/50 $30
499053 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P220 RU2/50 $30
500367 Sliding top GP-MFT/3 KA65 15x $30
500670 Coupling sleeve D 36 DM-AS/CT $30
500671 Coupling sleeve D 36/32 DM-AS/CT $30
202369 polish. sponge PS STF D150X30 OR/1 $29
203129 Hand tube D 36 HR-K AS $29
203189 Brush segment BS-LHS-E 225 $29
203348 Interface pad IP-STF D150/MJ2-5/2 $29
487605 SANDING CLOTH STF V93/0 A100 VL/10 $29
487606 SANDING CLOTH STF 93V A280 (10X) $29
493180 Chip catcher KSF-OF 1010 $29
497301 plastic base pl LAS-STF-PS 420 $29
497390 sandpaper STF V93/6 P 40 GR / 50 $29
497391 sandpaper STF V93/6 P 60 GR / 50 $29
497392 sandpaper STF V93/6 P 80 GR / 50 $29
202053 finish-cleaner MPA F+/0,5L $28
204343 Jigsaw blade HM 75/4,5 $28
205491 plastic base pl LAS-H-ES $28
205492 plastic base pl LAS-W-ES $28
205493 Slideway lining GB-LAS-STF-ES/5 $28
452912 CREVICE NOZZLE D 50 FD $28
484455 CONNECTOR VS $28
488715 SANDING PAD SSH-STF-V93/6-W/2 $28
488716 SANDING PAD SSH-STF-V93/6-H/2 $28
490160 PAD IP-STF-80x133/12-LS130/2 $28
491473 SPLINTER GUARD SP-TS 55/5 $28
492271 Interface pad IP-STF-D120/8-J $28
495133 ADAPTOR 3/8"-70 CE/KG CENTROTEC $28
495542 Adjustable stop MFT/3-AR $28
496169 Wet filter NF-CT 26/36/48 $28
497300 plastic base pl LAS-ST-PS 420 $28
497475 Hook WCR 1000 SHQ $28
498974 Bit holder BH 60 CE-Imp $28
499011 Splinterguard SP-TS 55 R/5 $28
499161 sandpaper STF V93/6 P40 RU2/50 $28
499162 sandpaper STF V93/6 P60 RU2/50 $28
499163 sandpaper STF V93/6 P80 RU2/50 $28
499164 sandpaper STF V93/6 P100 RU2/50 $28
499165 sandpaper STF V93/6 P120 RU2/50 $28
499166 sandpaper STF V93/6 P150 RU2/50 $28
499167 sandpaper STF V93/6 P180 RU2/50 $28
499168 sandpaper STF V93/6 P220 RU2/50 $28
200140 Screw driver SD-CE-Drive-UNI $27
204272 Jigsaw blade HS 105/1 BI/5 $27
204787 Deflector FS/2-AW $27
204860 insert boxes Box 100x100x68/6 $27
204862 insert boxes Box 100x350x68/2 $27
491794 Spare part dril HW D5 F.BTA $27
492540 Bit holder BV 150 CE $27
493444 Twist drill bit HSS D 6,5/63 M/10x $27
494445 Spare part dril EB-BSTA D 3,5/5x $27
494446 Spare part dril EB-BSTA D 4,5/5x $27
495207 Splinterguard FS-SP 1400/T $27
500126 Saw blade MSB 50/35/Bi $27
500131 Saw blade HSB 50/65/J $27
500132 Saw blade HSB 50/45/J $27
500134 Saw blade HSB 50/55/J $27
500558 Main filter HF-CT SYS $27
577100 Connect. sleeve D 36 DM-AS-B-LHS 225 $27
769068 Adapter AD SDS-plus/FastFix $27
201080 abrasive sponge 69x98x26 36 GR/6 $26
201081 abrasive sponge 69x98x26 60 GR/6 $26
201082 abrasive sponge 69x98x26 120 GR/6 $26
201083 abrasive sponge 69x98x26 220 GR/6 $26
201084 abrasive sponge 69x98x26 120 CO GR/6 $26
204202 Wet filter NF-CT MINI/MIDI-2/CT15 $26
204336 Jigsaw blade HS 75/3 BI/5 $26
205091 Bit SQ 1 -100 CENTRO/2 $26
205092 Bit SQ 2 -100 CENTRO/2 $26
205093 Bit SQ 3 -100 CENTRO/2 $26
205732 Polish drapery MPA-Microfibre/2 $26
488036 SANDING PAD SSH-STF-V93L/6 $26
488717 BASE TABLE TP-STF-DX93 $26
490031 GUIDE STOP FS-PS/PSB 300 $26
493443 Twist drill bit HSS D 6/57 M/10x $26
493913 Protector FESTOOL PROTECTOR 150FX $26
495131 ADAPTOR 1/4"-50 CE/KG CENTROTEC $26
495188 Handle BG-RO 150 $26
496450 Adapter BA-CE Centrotec $26
497481 Interface pad IP-STF-D90/6 $26
497483 Sanding pad LSS-STF-RO90 V93 E $26
500483 Drill.dust nozz D 27 BSD $26
500841 Bit PZ 1-100 CENTRO/2x $26
500842 Bit PZ 2-100 CENTRO/2x $26
500843 Bit PZ 3-100 CENTRO/2x $26
500844 Bit PH 1-100 CENTRO/2x $26
500845 Bit PH 2-100 CENTRO/2x $26
500846 Bit PH 3-100 CENTRO/2x $26
500847 Bit TX 15 -100 CENTRO/2x $26
500848 Bit TX 20 -100 CENTRO/2x $26
500849 Bit TX 25 -100 CENTRO/2x $26
500850 Bit TX 30 -100 CENTRO/2x $26
500438 Filter bag SC FIS-CT SYS/5 $25
204327 Jigsaw blade S 105/4 FSG/5 $24
492179 COPY RING KR-D 8,5/OF1400/VS 600 $24
492180 COPY RING KR-D 13,8/OF1400/VS 600 $24
492181 COPY RING KR-D 17/OF1400/VS 600 $24
492182 COPY RING KR-D 24/OF1400/VS 600 $24
492518 Drill bit D 10 CE/W $24
493442 Twist drill bit HSS D 5,5/57 M/10x $24
493572 DRILL ZB HS D 5 EURO CE $24
494622 COPYING RING KR-D 17,0/OF 2200 $24
494625 COPYING RING KR-D 30,0/OF 2200 $24
495339 COPYING RING KR-D 12,7/OF 2200 $24
495340 COPYING RING KR-D 19,05/OF 2200 $24
495341 COPYING RING KR-D 25,4/OF 2200 $24
495342 COPYING RING KR-D 34,93/OF 2200 $24
202373 polish. sponge PS STF D150X30 BL/1 $23
202377 polish. sponge PS STF D150X30 WH/1 $23
202380 polish. sponge PS STF D150X30 BA/1 W $23
204264 Jigsaw blade S 145/2,8/5 $23
204270 Jigsaw blade HS 75/1,2 BI/5 $23
204296 Waste bag ENS-VA-20/10 $23
204345 Jigsaw blade S 155/W/3 $23
204859 insert boxes Box 50x100x68/10 $23
487865 HANDLE ZG-RO $23
492517 Drill bit D 8 CE/W $23
493047 CONNECTOR / RED D 50/D 50 VM-AS $23
493441 Twist drill bit HSS D 5/52 M/10x $23
499894 Polishing felt PF-STF 80x133 STF H/5 $23
204382 Bit cassette BT-IMP SORT2 $22
204929 Key KF-AGC 18 $22
484507 DUST EXTR. ADAP AD-HL $22
492516 Drill bit D 7 CE/W $22
493428 SPIRAL DRILL HSS D 6,5/63 CE/M-SET $22
493440 Twist drill bit HSS D 4,5/47 M/10x $22
496801 Protector FESTOOL Protector/ 90FX $22
497297 plastic base pl LAS-PS 420 $22
500129 Saw blade USB 78/32/Bi $22
500135 Saw blade USB 50/65/Bi $22
583129 POCKET-STICKFIX STF 46X178 $22
769091 Adapter AD-EF-M14/80 ErgoFix $22
201085 Abrasive paper 230x280 P40 GR/25 $21
204858 insert boxes Box 50x50x68/10 $21
204942 Grid foam SE-VAR SYS3 M/2 $21
204944 Cover foam SE-DP SYS3 L $21
204945 Base pad SE-BP SYS3 L $21
492515 Drill bit D 6 CE/W $21
492526 Hook driver HD D18 CE $21
493439 Twist drill bit HSS D 4/43 M/10x $21
577073 Aux. handle AHS-43/230 $21
768165 Socket wrench SW 3/8"-DC UNI FF 2x $21
201498 Extension table SV-V D14/32 $20
203175 Domino D 8x36/130 BU $20
204262 Jigsaw blade S 105/2,8/5 $20
484176 COPY RING 13.8 KR D13,8/OF 900 $20
486029 COPY RING KR D10,8/OF 900 $20
486030 COPY RING KR D17/OF 900 $20
486031 COPY RING KR D24/OF 900 $20
486032 COPY RING KR D27/OF 900 $20
486033 COPY RING KR D30/OF 900 $20
486034 COPY RING KR D40/OF 900 $20
492183 COPY RING KR-D 24/OF1400 $20
492184 COPY RING KR-D 27/OF1400 $20
492185 COPY RING KR-D 30/OF1400 $20
492186 COPY RING KR-D 40/OF1400 $20
575154 sanding discs STF D150/48 P40 GR/10 $20
575155 sanding discs STF D150/48 P60 GR/10 $20
575156 sanding discs STF D150/48 P80 GR/10 $20
575157 sanding discs STF D150/48 P120 GR/10 $20
575158 sanding discs STF D150/48 P180 GR/10 $20
575159 sanding discs STF D150/48 P320 GR/10 $20
204316 Jigsaw blade S 75/4 FSG/5 $19
452897 SUCTION ADAPTOR D 50/D 36 $19
452899 BLANKING PLUG D 50 V $19
483582 Sanding vlies STF 80X130 SF 800 VL/5 $19
489128 TURBOFILTER TF-RS 400/5x $19
492514 Drill bit D 5 CE/W $19
493426 SPIRAL DRILL HSS D 5,5/57 CE/M-SET $19
493427 SPIRAL DRILL HSS D 6 /57 CE/M-SET $19
493438 Twist drill bit HSS D 3,5/39 M/10x $19
500068 Plastic contain Box 180x120x71/2 SYS-SB $19
500693 Lock S-AZ $19
768113 Socket wrench SW 8-DC UNI FF 2x $19
769124 Bit PH2-AF-55 3x $19
205069 Bit PZ 1-50 CENTRO/2 $18
205070 Bit PZ 2-50 CENTRO/2 $18
205072 Bit PZ 3-50 CENTRO/2 $18
205073 Bit PH 1-50 CENTRO/2 $18
205074 Bit PH 2-50 CENTRO/2 $18
205075 Bit PH 3-50 CENTRO/2 $18
205076 Bit TX 10-50 CENTRO/2 $18
205079 Bit TX 15-50 CENTRO/2 $18
205080 Bit TX 20-50 CENTRO/2 $18
205081 Bit TX 25-50 CENTRO/2 $18
205082 Bit TX 30-50 CENTRO/2 $18
205083 Bit TX 40-50 CENTRO/2 $18
205084 Bit SQ 1-50 CENTRO/2 $18
205085 Bit SQ 2-50 CENTRO/2 $18
205086 Bit SQ 3-50 CENTRO/2 $18
497145 sandpaper STF D125/8 P 40 GR 10X $18
497146 sandpaper STF D125/8 P 60 GR 10X $18
497147 sandpaper STF D125/8 P 80 GR 10X $18
497148 sandpaper STF D125/8 P120 GR 10X $18
497149 sandpaper STF D125/8 P180 GR 10X $18
497150 sandpaper STF D125/8 P320 GR 10X $18
203172 cover cap KV-AK D15 slr/50 $17
204256 Jigsaw blade S 75/2,5/5 $17
204259 Jigsaw blade S 75/2,5 R/5 $17
204260 Jigsaw blade S 75/2,8/5 $17
204265 Jigsaw blade S 75/4 K/5 $17
204267 Jigsaw blade S 75/1,4 K/5 $17
204268 Jigsaw blade S 75/1,5/5 $17
204315 Jigsaw blade S 105/4/5 $17
205417 Hose clip SC-LHS 2 225 $17
440404 UPHOLSTERY BRUS D 36 SP $17
492513 Drill bit D 4 CE/W $17
493425 SPIRAL DRILL HSS D 5 /52 CE/M-SET $17
493437 Twist drill bit HSS D 3/33 M/10x $17
575178 sanding discs STF D150/48 P40 RU2/10 $17
575179 sanding discs STF D150/48 P60 RU2/10 $17
575180 sanding discs STF D150/48 P80 RU2/10 $17
575181 sanding discs STF D150/48 P100 RU2/10 $17
575182 sanding discs STF D150/48 P120 RU2/10 $17
575183 sanding discs STF D150/48 P150 RU2/10 $17
575184 sanding discs STF D150/48 P180 RU2/10 $17
575185 sanding discs STF D150/48 P220 RU2/10 $17
203343 Protection Pad PP-STF D150/2 $16
203382 Flange BF-AG 5/8" $16
203383 Prot. cover SH-AGC 18-115 $16
204949 Marking BS-BOX/25 $16
205193 hand Protection HS-AGC 18 $16
491582 STOP FS-RSP $16
492512 Drill bit D 3 CE/W $16
493424 SPIRAL DRILL HSS D 4,5/47 CE/M-SET $16
497131 sandpaper STF DELTA/7 P 40 GR 10X $16
497132 sandpaper STF DELTA/7 P 80 GR 10X $16
497133 sandpaper STF DELTA/7 P120 GR 10X $16
497134 sandpaper STF DELTA/7 P180 GR 10X $16
499101 sandpaper STF D125/8 P40 RU2/10 $16
499102 sandpaper STF D125/8 P60 RU2/10 $16
499103 sandpaper STF D125/8 P80 RU2/10 $16
499104 sandpaper STF D125/8 P100 RU2/10 $16
499105 sandpaper STF D125/8 P120 RU2/10 $16
499106 sandpaper STF D125/8 P150 RU2/10 $16
499107 sandpaper STF D125/8 P180 RU2/10 $16
499108 sandpaper STF D125/8 P220 RU2/10 $16
500067 Plastic contain Box 60x120x71/4 SYS-SB $16
768615 Handle AH-43/185 $16
769620 Additional hand AH-M8 VIBRASTOP $16
201690 Protector PR ETS-R 125 $15
201691 Protector PR RTS-R 80x133 $15
201692 Protector PR DTS-R 100x150 $15
203344 Protection Pad PP-STF D125/2 $15
204305 Jigsaw blade S 75/4/5 $15
493423 SPIRAL DRILL HSS D 4 /43 CE/M-SET $15
497444 Spare felt EF-LAS-STF-PS 420 $15
498039 INSET BOX Box Sys1 TL 49x98 gelb/6 $15
203346 Protection Pad PP-STF 80x133/2 $14
204344 Jigsaw blade R 54 G Riff $14
493422 SPIRAL DRILL HSS D 3,5/39 CE/M-SET $14
497476 Feather key WCR 1000 PF 2x $14
498042 Plastic contain Box Sys1 TL 49x245 or./2 $14
499141 sandpaper STF DELTA P 40 RU2/10 $14
499142 sandpaper STF DELTA P 60 RU2/10 $14
500066 Plastic contain Box 60x60x71/6 SYS-SB $14
201354 Cap SV-AK D14 slr/32 $13
203347 Protection Pad PP-STF DELTA/2 $13
490120 SPLINTER GUARD SP-PS/PSB 300/5 $13
493421 SPIRAL DRILL HSS D 3 /33 CE/M-SET $13
497127 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P 40 GR 10X $13
497128 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P 80 GR 10X $13
497129 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P120 GR 10X $13
497130 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P180 GR 10X $13
769125 Bit holder BH-DWC $13
201112 abrasive sponge 98x120x13 60 GR/6 $12
201113 abrasive sponge 98x120x13 120 GR/6 $12
201114 abrasive sponge 98x120x13 220 GR/6 $12
201507 abrasive sponge 98x120x13 800 GR/6 $12
499620 Multi-purpose i TZE-UNI SYS-MINI TL $12
500592 Upholst. nozzle D 36 PD $12
500668 Coupling sleeve D27/22 DM-AS/CT $12
201256 Abrasive paper 230x280 P40 GR/10 $11
201257 Abrasive paper 230x280 P60 GR/10 $11
201258 Abrasive paper 230x280 P80 GR/10 $11
201259 Abrasive paper 230x280 P100 GR/10 $11
201260 Abrasive paper 230x280 P120 GR/10 $11
201261 Abrasive paper 230x280 P150 GR/10 $11
201262 Abrasive paper 230x280 P180 GR/10 $11
201263 Abrasive paper 230x280 P220 GR/10 $11
201264 Abrasive paper 230x280 P240 GR/10 $11
201265 Abrasive paper 230x280 P320 GR/10 $11
201266 Abrasive paper 230x280 P400 GR/10 $11
204940 Cover foam SE-DP SYS3 M $11
204941 Base pad SE-BP SYS3 M $11
205094 Bit SQ 1-25/10 $11
205294 Hook-and-loop f KV-215/5 $11
490481 Bit Pozidriv PZ 1-25 /10 $11
499054 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P40 RU2/10 $11
499057 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P100 RU2/10 $11
499060 Stickfix qty. STF 80x133 P180 RU2/10 $11
500593 Crevice nozzle D 36 FD-150 $11
769240 Rubber frame GR-BPC 15/18 $11
203171 cover cap KV-AK D15 brn/50 $10
203173 cover cap KV-AK D15 wht/50 $10
203174 cover cap KV-AK D15 gr/50 $10
452904 CREVICE NOZZLE D 36 FD 300 $10
497855 Cover AB-BF Sys TL 55x85mm /10 $10
499619 Cover foam SE-DP SYS-MINI TL $10
769018 Flange UF-AG M14 $10
769040 Wrench KF-AG $9
201355 Cap SV-AK D14 brn1/32 $8
201356 Cap SV-AK D14 brn2/32 $8
204276 Stickfix qty. STF 46X178 P40 GR/10 $7
204277 Stickfix qty. STF 46X178 P80 GR/10 $7
204278 Stickfix qty. STF 46X178 P120 GR/10 $7
204279 Stickfix qty. STF 46X178 P180 GR/10 $7
768125 Guard ring PR D17-DC UNI FF 5x $6
768127 Guard ring PR D23-DC UNI FF 5x $6

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